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The Official JaR Website. Jay Graydon and Randy Goodrum are JaR.


JaR Latest News


October, 2023

Whatever happened to JaR 2?

A long time has passed since we last posted anything on this site, but rest assured the mixing work on the second JaR album is still happening, although it has to share time with so many other projects, that both Jay and Randy are working on right now. Since the main rule of JaR is "No pressure, no stress!" it will have to patiently wait in line, while the guys take care of other, more time sensitive, projects. We will eventually get there and you will be the first to know about the release date. The songs are awesome and you will not be disappointed! - Jay and Randy


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August, 2018, 2023


Message from Jay:

Hey all, Jay Graydon here, after many months working with the re-masters for Japan of AIRPLAY and AIRPLAY FOR THE PLANET, plus mixing, mastering and co-producing, the new album by Phil deGruy, I finally resumed working on the JaR 2 mixes. Guess what happens next ...?

Two Caps exploded on my Neve V2 (the insert card power rail cap on channels 18&20) and the smoke rising up from the console scared the shit out of me! It sounded like 10 firecrackers and happened twice within 5 minutes of each other! All of those Caps on every module will need to be replaced asap as too old and they suck major current! More will blow up soon if not replaced!

Soon every cap on the console Neve V2-48) will need to be replaced as they fail! There are around 100 per module. This will be the 6th time a full re-capping will happen in over 30 years! A new console would cost 500,000 bucks and for the first six months, there would be problems so that idea is not practical, especially the price!

As soon as I get problems fixed in the studio I start the mixes. I hope no more than a week from Monday as my tech Dave Clark will work this Monday and next Monday as there are always a few problems. I am now heading into the control room to write out notes for Dave as to failed modules, etc. This issue is major! Shit like this happens all the time with big consoles. The more modules, the more the problems build up. Dave is the main Neve tech at Capitol and he is constantly working on 3 Neves!

The trade off of using an analog console with Pro Tools is worth the hassle as the Neve V2 is the last console with the old style Neve EQ that sounds great!

So hang in there, folks, JaR 2 is on the way! - Jay


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Summer, 2016

Latest news on the new JaR CD ...

The mixing is moving along at a steady although somewhat slow pace, as the guys are also working on many other projects, constantly sidetracking them and making the mixing process having to wait for its turn. As you know, they are both perfectionists and neither Jay nor Randy would ever release an album before they feel they are satisfied with all of the songs and the total sound. We are eagerly waiting for this upcoming masterpiece release!

The final decision - on compressing or not compressing

Ran and I will not compress the mixes as the majority has spoken. At least 90% of people voted for no compression leading to the fact our fanbase are clearly interested in quality audio!

Also, there are audio compressor apps for iPhones, etc. so if you want to put the audio in such apps for a louder level, you can.

We also suggest the CD is a much better way to go as to the audio as it will not get any better than that format at this point in time.

The only reason I can think of as to compressing mixes is if your audio system has a broken volume control stuck on the lowest level. Yes, that is a joke but check this out! I have played CD's in my studio with the monitor level down as far as it can go — the audio was too loud! Ouch! - Jay


November, 2015

Jay Busy Mixing the Second JaR Album

Yay, finally we can look forward to the second JaR album being finished!!! Jay is currently very busy mixing the songs and if we are lucky the JaR album may be ready for release by the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016. Wohoo!!!

Jay and Randy have worked together for many years and having written songs like e.g. GIVE IT UP for DeBarge, HAUNTING ME for Dave Grusin, PLEASURE OVER PAIN and HEART'S HORIZON for Al Jarrreau, LOST WITHOUT HER LOVE for El DeBarge and the super hit WHO'S HOLDING DONNA NOW for DeBarge, they realized they should become a band, to write more songs together and release on their own record label. So they formed the supergroup JaR and released their first album SCENE 29 in 2008, which received rave reviews for the superb songs and stellar production.

Now it is sooooooon time for the next JaR album and you will not be disappointed I assure you. So many new great songs to enjoy!!

Stay tuned for more updates as things unfold!!!

While waiting for the new album, you will surely find Inside MusiCast's interviews with these two music master minds very interesting and entertaining...


* Jay Graydon Official Web Site * Randy Goodrum Official Web Site * Jay Graydon on Facebook * Randy Goodrum on Facebook

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