The Official JaR Website. Jay Graydon and Randy Goodrum are JaR.
JaRZONE Records
JaRZONE Records - the record label with the ultimate sonic experience - brought to you by seasoned musicians and
accomplished songwriters - JAY GRAYDON and RANDY GOODRUM - JaR.
The first album on JaRZONE Records - SCENE 29 - was released October 1, 2008, in the US.
The album is also available as an
MP3 download - the full
album as well as each song as a separate download.
Consider for a moment
- Are you the kind of person that would rather drive a real race car, or the kind of person that would rather go
to Chucky-Cheese and do a video simulation?
- Are you the kind of person that would rather go to a great Italian restaurant, with nightly specials, a great
singing violinist, awesome fresh, hot food, perfectly prepared to be served at an exact moment, or are you the kind
of person that would rather have pizza to go?
- Are you the kind of person that would rather go to a beautiful, architecturally inspiring art museum and see
original masterpieces hanging on the wall a few feet from you with a museum docent nearby to answer questions, or
would you rather go to Google Images and look at them that way.
- Are you the kind of person that would rather read a story from a tangible, sturdy, 3 dimensional book, or are
you the kind of person that would rather read an e-book?
- Finally, are you the kind of person that would rather hold a CD in your hand, complete with a 16 page booklet
with pictures, information about the artists, information about participants in making the album, in short, an
object that you can put in your car stereo, home stereo, and reliably archive your little musical gem for
countless years, or would you rather download the album from the internet? Oh, and one more thing: would you
rather have a hard copy with a complete audio reproduction of the original master in 16 bit form, or would you
settle for a compressed, lesser quality mp3?
JaR (Circa 2008)
Comments, suggestions, appreciation, corrections... whatever...
All written material, all images and photos in all
sections of this website copyright © Jay Graydon/Randy Goodrum/KEO 2008 - 2025. All rights
E-mail us!